Women of GraceLife Church
Women’s Bible Study
Ladies, Join us for our spring Bible Study. We will be going through “Your Powerful Prayers” by Susie Larson. The study will begin on March 4th at 6:30 PM.
See Debbie McHone for more details or to get a book.
Women’s Spring Retreat
Growing in Gratitude
Campfire Bay Resort
Need a break and some relaxation? Here is your chance. Join us for an enjoyable weekend of fun, fellowship and food. We have reserved cabins at Campfire Bay Resort on Fish Trap Lake, about 25 miles past Little Falls. The theme for this years retreat is “Growing in Gratitude”. The dates are Friday, April 25th – Sunday, April 27th. The cost will be $110 per person. That includes accommodations, gas for transportation, and food. The first payment of $50.00 is due March 23rd. Plan now and put it on your calendar. See Karen Toews for more information.